Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Baaack! Winter has come to La La land once again.

Yep! Winter is back here in Southern California once again.  Of course, we don't know for how long it will stay!
It has a history of wandering in and out several times a year.  I've gone to the beach on Christmas day and worn shorts and flip flops in January.
All this unpredictability makes it hard to schedule any maintenance on one's home or business.  If you have moisture leaks and need to schedule repairs, it's almost guaranteed that it will rain on the day of the repair. Murphy's Law is alive and well down here!

Then there is the situation I described in an earlier blog called "I Hate Nice Weather".  You see, when it rains, my phone rings.  It's as simple as that.  Roofs wear out over time.  It's not a matter of IF, only WHEN.  When the do leak, it's often not all that obvious where its coming from exactly.  The usual scenario is to have the roofer come out to fix it but they cannot be sure where the exact leak is coming from so as a result, you get to pay for a "shotgun" fix.  Even then, it may not be successful.  Guess what?  I can help!

Thermal-Diagnostics and it's sister company Magic Leak Finders has had great success in locating leaks when others have been unsuccessful at doing so.

Here is a testimonial from one of my clients:

"I had a client which operated a health clinic in a multi story building. They kept having odd roof leaks where other contractors and roofers could not pin point and resolve the leak. I had Dana go to the site and do a thermal diagnotic inspection using his special infra red camera and other moisture detection devices and he was able to pin point the exact source of the leak and coordinate with the roofer for a correct repair. This can be a valuable service since it can prevent over excessive roof replacement and exactly determine the source of the problem. In this case with the health clinic, it was critical to maintain a healthy environment and leaks inside buildings can cause moisture damage and mold problems. 
Thanks for your great service Dana.
Bud Hayes” 

Here is another:

“Dana is a very diligent professional, who has made himself very well trained in thermography. He always does everything possible to deliver exceptionally good products to his clients.” :Steve Nichols, La Rocca Inspection Associates 

Isn't is time for you to call
Thermal-Diagnostics and Magic Leak Finders and have your interior and roof scanned?  There may be leaks that you don't even know about yet.

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